Malibu Fountains

Unique Outdoor Fountains And Water Features

Malibu, CA, 90265

Office 310-457-8219 Cell 818-212-7517

Landscape Vision

Debbie Killian of Eugene, Oregon has built a home and incredible half-acre garden in an unused city lot. After investing a significant amount in the plot’s leveling and the installation of a beautiful koi pond, she turned her garden into a home for splendid metalwork. As well as a metal elephant fountain that stands nearly ten feet tall, she has a metal zebra peering down over the garden from over the waterfall.

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However, the piece that unifies her home’s Victorian/Art Deco aesthetic and her garden’s more colorful, exotic tone is the Malibu Oracle Tree Fountain. This Malibu Fountains piece is perfect, in Killian’s eyes, because of the weathering that has occurred to the metal of the sculpture, transforming it from a shiny copper color to a beautiful deep red, with the leaves tinged teal around their edges. Killian has leaned into the appearance of her fountain and its elephantine counterpart, with landscape bulbs bathing them both in red light, while her trees are illuminated in green and the pond’s submersible lights glow green and blue. 

Killian’s garden has facilitated a change in her character. Friends have commented on how different she seems: more comfortable and relaxed. At Malibu Fountains, we are happy to have been an integral part of her garden design and that her landscaping project has brought her such happiness and serenity.